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Feb 28, 2012

EE2303 Transmission and Distribution - SUBJECT CATALOG


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EE2303           TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION                                                     L T P C
3 1 0  4
To understand the importance and the functioning of transmission and distribution of the electric power in an electrical utility (or) a power system.

i.          To develop expressions for the computation of transmission line parameters.
ii.          To obtain the equivalent circuits for the transmission lines based on distance and operating
voltage for determining voltage regulation and efficiency. Also to improve the voltage profile of the transmission system.
iii.  To analyses the voltage distribution in insulator strings and cables and methods to improve the same.
iv.  To understand the operation of the different distribution schemes.
Structure of electric power system - different operating voltages of generation, transmission and distribution advantage of higher operating voltage for AC transmission.
An introduction to EHV AC transmission, HVDC transmission and FACTs.
Mechanical design of transmission line between towers sag and tension calculations using approximate equations taking into account the effect of ice and wind.

Parameters of resistance, inductance and capacitance calculations - single and three phase transmission  lines  -  singland  double  circuits  -  solid,  strandeand  bundled  conductors  - symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing – transposition of lines - concepts of GMR and GMD - skin and proximity effects - interference with neighbouring communication circuits.
Corona discharge characteristics critical voltage and loss.
(Simple diagrams of typical towers and conductors for 400, 220 and 110 kV operations)

Transmission line classification - short line, medium line and long line - equivalent circuits Ferranti effect  -  surge  impedance,  attenuation  constant  and  phase  constant  voltage  regulation  and transmission efficiency - real and reactive power flow in lines power circle diagrams shunt and series compensation.
Aintroduction to power angle diagram - surge-impedance  loading, loadability limits based on
thermal loading; angle and voltage stability considerations.

UNIT IV           INSULATORS AND CABLES          9
Classification of insulators for transmission and distribution purpose voltage distribution in insulator string and grading - improvement of string efficiency.
Underground  cables  -  constructional  features  of  LT  and  HT  cables   insulation  resistance,
capacitance, dielectric stress and grading tan δ and power loss - thermal characteristics.

Classification, functions and major components of substations.
Bus-bar arrangements - substation bus schemes - single bus, double bus with double breaker,
double bus with single breaker, main and transfer bus, ring bus, breaker-and-a-half with two main buses, double bus-bar with bypass isolators. Importance  of  earthing  in  a  substation.  Qualitative treatment to neutral grounding and earthing practises in substations. Feeders,    distributors       and service mains. DC distributor 2-wire and 3-wire, radial and ring main distribution. AC distribution – single phase and three phase 4-wire distribution.

L=45  T = 15  TOTAL = 60PERIODS

1.  B.R.Gupta, Power System Analysis and Design, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2003.
2.  S.N. Singh, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi, 2002.

1.  Luces M. Fualkenberry, Walter Coffer, Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission, Pearson
Education, 1996.
2.  Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis,’ Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2003.
3.  Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Guidelines for Transmission System Planning, New Delhi.
4.  Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Handbook, 2003.

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