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Mar 8, 2012

HS2161 Technical English II - SUBJECT CATALOG


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HS2161           TECHNICAL ENGLISH II                                                                            L T P C
3 1  0 4

To encourage students to actively involve in participative learning of English and to help them acquire Communication Skills.

1.  To help students develop listening skills for academic and professional purposes.
2.  To help students acquire the ability to speak effectively in English in real-life situations.
3.  To inculcate reading habit and to develop effective reading skills.
4.  To help students improve their active and passive vocabulary.
5.  To familiarize students with different rhetorical functions of scientific English.
6.  To enable students write letters and reports effectively in formal and business situations.

UNIT I   12

Technical Vocabulary - meanings in context, sequencing words, Articles- Prepositions, intensive reading& predicting content, Reading and interpretation, extended definitions, Process description


1.  Exercises on word formation using the prefix self - Gap filling with preposition.
2.  Exercises - Using sequence words.
3.  Reading comprehension exercise with questions based on inference Reading headings
4.  and predicting the content Reading advertisements and interpretation.
5.  Writing extended definitions Writing descriptions of processes Writing paragraphs based on discussions Writing paragraphs describing the future.

UNIT II            12
Phrases / Structures indicating use / purpose Adverbs-Skimming Non-verbal communication - Listening correlating verbal and non-verbal communicatio-Speakinin group discussions – Formal Letter writing Writing analytical paragraphs.

Reading comprehension exercises with questions on overall content Discussions analyzing stylistic features (creative and factual description) - Reading comprehension exercises with texts including graphic communication - Exercises in interpreting non-verbal communication.

1.  Listening comprehension exercises to categorise data in tables.
2.  Writing  formal  letters,  quotations,  clarification,  complaint   Letter  seeking  permission  for
Industrial visits Writing analytical paragraphs on different debatable issues.

UNIT III           12
Cause and effect expressions Different grammatical forms of the same word - Speaking stress and  intonation,  Group  Discussions  -  Reading  Critical  reading  Listening,  - Writing   using connectives, report writing types, structure, data collection, content, form, recommendations .

Exercises combining sentences using cause and effect expressions Gap filling exercises using the appropriate tense forms Making sentences using different grammatical forms of the same word.
( Eg: object verb / object noun )
1.  Speaking exercises involving the use of stress and intonation Group discussions analysis of problems and offering solutions.
2.  Reading comprehension exercises with critical questions, Multiple choice question.
3.  Sequencing of jumbled sentences using connectives Writing different types of reports like industrial accident report and survey report Writing recommendations.

UNIT IV           12
Numerical adjectives – Oral instructions   Descriptive writing   Argumentative paragraphs –  Letter of application - content, format (CV /  Bio-data) - Instructions, imperative forms - Checklists, Yes/No question form – E-mail communication.

1.  Rewriting exercises using numerical adjectives.
2.  Reading comprehension exercises with analytical  questions on  content  –  Evaluation      of content.
3.  Listening comprehension entering information in tabular form, intensive listening exercise
and completing the steps of a process.
4.  Speaking - Role play group discussions Activities giving oral instructions.
5.  Writing descriptions, expandin hints Writing argumentative paragraphs Writing formal
letters Writing letter of application with CV/Bio-data Writing general and safety instructions
Preparing checklists Writing e-mail messages.

UNIT V            9
Speaking - Discussion of Problems and solutions - Creative and critical thinking Writing an essay, Writing a proposal.

1. Case Studies on problems and solutions
2. Brain storming and discussion
3. Writing Critical essays
4. Writing short proposals of 2 pages for starting a project, solving problems,          etc.
5. Writing advertisements.

1.  Chapters 5 8. Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Anna University, English for
Engineers and Technologists’ Combined Edition (Volumes 1 & 2), Chennai: Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., 2006. Themes 5 8 (Technology, Communication, Environment, Industry)

1.  P. K. Dutt, G. Rajeevan and C.L.N Prakash, A Course in CommunicatioSkills, Cambridge
University Press, India 2007.
2.  Krishna Mohan and Meera Banerjee, ‘Developing Communication Skills, Macmillan India Ltd., (Reprinted 1994 2007).
3.  Edgar Thorpe, Showick Thorpe, Objective English, Second Edition, PearsoEducation, 2007.

1.  Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’, Jaico Publishing House, 2007

The book listed under Extensive Reading is meant for inculcating the reading habit of the students. They need not be used for testing purposes.

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