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Apr 4, 2012

MA2111 Mathematics I - SUBJECT CATALOG


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MA2111                                       MATHEMATICS I                                  3     1    4

UNIT  I                MATRICES                                                                                   12
Characteristic   equation   Eigen  values  and  eigen  vectors  of  a  real  matrix  – Properties Cayley-Hamilton theorem (excluding proof) Orthogonal transformation of a symmetric matrix to diagonal form Quadratic form Reduction  of quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation.

UNIT  II          THREE DIMENSIONAL ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY                            12

Equation of a sphere Plane section of a sphere Tangent Plane Equation of a cone Right circular cone Equation of a cylinder Right circular cylinder.

UNIT III           DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS                                                              12

Curvature  in Cartesian  co-ordinates   Centre  and radius  of curvature   Circle  of curvature Evolutes Envelopes Evolute as envelope of normals.

UNIT IV               FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES                                      12
Partial derivatives – Euler’s theorem for homogenous functions – Total derivatives – Differentiation  of implicit functions Jacobians Taylor’s expansion Maxima and Minima Method of Lagrangian multipliers.

UNIT V           MULTIPLE INTEGRALS                                                                    12
Double  integration    Cartesian   and  polar  coordinate  Change  of  order  of integration – Change of variables between Cartesian and polar coordinates – Triple integration  in Cartesian  co-ordinates   Area as double integral Volume  as triple integral

1.   Bali N. P and Manish Goyal, “Text book of Engineering Mathematics”,  Third edition, Laxmi Publications(p) Ltd.,(2008).

2.   Grewal B.S,   “Higher   Engineering   Mathematics”,   40th edition
Publications, Delhi, (2007).


1.   Ramana    B.V,   “Higher   Engineering    Mathematics,     Tata   McGraw   Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi, (2007).

2.   Glyn  James,  “Advance Engineerin Mathematics”,   7th Edition,  Pearson
Education, (2007).

3.   Jain   R.K   and   Iyengar   S.R.K,”   Advanced   Engineering    Mathematics”,
 Edition, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., (2007).

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