
1st Semester 2 Marks 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester 5th Semester 6th Semester 7th Semester 8th Semester CS2311 CS2312 CS2361 CS2363 CS2411 Circuit Theory Communication Engineering Computer Practice Laboratory 2 Digital Signal Processing EC2311 EC2312 EE2032 EE2151 EE2155 EE2201 EE2202 EE2203 EE2207 EE2209 EE2257 EE2258 EE2259 EE2302 EE2303 EE2304 EE2305 EE2356 EE2401 EE2403 EE2404 EE2451 EI2403 EI2404 Electrical Machines 2 Electrical Machines 2 Laboratory Electromagnetic Theory Exam Package Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments GE2021 GE2022 GE2112 GE2116 GE2155 GE2211 GS2165 HS2111 HS2161 MG2351 Measurement and Instrumentation Object Oriented Programming Operating Systems PH2111 PH2161 Power System Operation and Control Power System Simulation Laboratory Principles of Management Special Electrical Machines Subject Catalog Technical English II Total Quality Management Transmission and Distribution basic civil and mechanical engineering bio medical instrumentation computer networks control systems cy2111 cy2161 data structures and algorithms design of electrical machines digital logic circuits ee2021 ee2031 ee2036 ee2204 ee2251 ee2252 ee2253 ee2254 ee2255 ee2301 ee2351 ee2352 ee2353 ee2354 ee2355 ee2402 elearning software elective1 elective2 elective3 elective4 electives electric energy generalization utilization and conservation electrical circuits laboratory electrical machines 1 electronic devices and circuits engineering chemistry1 engineering chemistry2 engineering graphics engineering physics1 engineering physics2 engineering practicis laboratory environmental science and engineering exam timetable flexible ac transmission systems fundamentals of computer and programming ge2025 ge2111 ge2152 grade system high voltage direct current transmission high voltage engineering january lab manual linear integrated circuits and applications ma2111 ma2161 ma2211 ma2264 mathematics1 mathematics2 microprocessors and micro controller laboratory microprocessors and microcontrollers notes numerical methods physics laboratory power electronics power plant engineering power system analysis previous questions professional ethics in engineering protection and switchgear question bank solid state drives syllabus technical english1 transforms and partial differential equeations vlsi design
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Nov 11, 2013

Anna University rules for University Examination

Rules to be followed by students appearing in Anna University examinations:
  • Admission to the Examination is provisional
  • The Hall Ticket is issued subject to the candidate satisfying the Attendance and the other requirements as per rules, regulations and instructions issued by the University from time to time. If later, it is found that the candidate fails to comply with the above requirements, the examinations the candidate has taken will be treated as cancelled.
  • Candidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the expiry of 45 minutes from the commencement of examination. No candidate who leaves the examination hall during the period allotted for a paper will be allowed to re-enter the hall within that period.
  • Candidates suffering from infectious diseases of any kind shall not be admitted to examination hall.
  • Candidates are strictly prohibited from smoking inside the examination hall.
  • Strict silence should be maintained in the examination hall
  • Candidates are required to bring their own pens, pencils, and eraser. Candidates should use only blue or black ink while answering their papers.
  • Before proceeding to answer the paper, the candidate should write his/her register number, semester, subject and date of the examination at the appropriate space provided in the first page of the answer book and nowhere else in the answer book or in any additional attachment.
  • If a candidate writes his/her register number on any part of the answer book/sheets or on any space other than the one provided for or puts any special mark or writes anything which may disclose, in anyway, the identity of the candidate/ college, he/she will render himself/herself liable for disciplinary action.
  • Writing of wrong register number in answer book will entail rejection of the answer book.
  • Candidates are not allowed to exceed the prescribed time assigned to each paper
  • Candidates shall not talk/ask questions of any kind during the examination.
  • Candidates shall not take any written/printed matter, any paper material, cell phone, programmable calculator , any unauthorized data sheet/table into the examination hall and if found in possession of any such material in the examination hall during the examination hours, those candidates shall be liable for disciplinary action.
  • No candidates shall pass any part or whole of answer papers or question papers to any other candidate. No candidate shall allow another candidate to copy form his/her answer paper or copy from the answer paper of another candidate. If found committing such malpractice, the involved candidates shall be liable for disciplinary action.
  • Candidates found guilty of using unfair means of any nature shall be liable for disciplinary action.
  • Candidates will have to hand over the answer books to the Invigilator/Chief Superintendent before leaving the examination hall.
  • Candidates should produce the hall ticket on demand by the Invigilator/Chief Superintendent /AUR/Squad members

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